Comparing profiles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _s1p6: It is often useful to compare how similar profiles are, visually and/or statistically. RAW has a dedicated comparison window that allows you to compare residuals, between profiles, ratios between profiles, and use statistical tests (currently only the Correlation Map test is implemented) to check for differences between profiles. Comparing profiles with residuals #################################### The residual is the difference between two profiles. Often we normalize this difference by the uncertainty of one of the profiles, so that large deviations of points with large uncertainties don't dominate the residual. If two profiles agree within the noise level of the data the residual should be flat and randomly distributed. If normalized, you expect most of the residual values to be within +/- 2.5. It is often used when comparing a fit against the data (e.g. comparing the fit of the P(r) transformed to I(q) or of a reconstruction against the data). The written version of the tutorial follows. #. Clear any data loaded into RAW. Load the **** data in the **Tutorial_Data/theory_data/theory_results** folder into the Profiles plot. * *Note:* This fit will load in two profiles, experimental data and the CRYSOL fit of a PDB file (high resolution model) to that experimental data. See the :ref:`CRYSOL tutorial ` for how to generate these fits. #. Select both the **** (experimental data) and **2pol_polymerase_FIT** (theoretical model fit to the data) profiles, right click on one of them and select "Compare Profiles" in the right click menu. |compare_residual_right_click_png| #. The Compare Profiles window will open. You will see three tabs at the top, the first (and default) shows the residuals between the selected data. * *Note:* You can select as many profiles as you want for comparison, not just two. * *Tip:* You can use the checkboxes next to the profile names to turn on profiles in the comparison plot. You must have at least two profiles turned on or no residuals will be displayed. |compare_residual_main_png| #. Use the "Ref. profile" drop down menu to select the **2pol_polymerase_FIT** profile as the reference profile. The reference profile is the profile that is subtracted from every other profile. Here you use the theoretical data as the reference. * *Note:* The profile plot will update so that the reference profile is bold and on top of all the other plotted profiles. * *Note:* You can see that the residuals have a trend to them, they're above zero at high q (0.15-0.2) and then dip below at mid q (around 0.13). This indicates that the theoretical model, while mostly a good fit, isn't a perfect fit for the experimental data. |compare_residual_ref_png| #. Use the "Normalize Residuals" checkbox to turn normalization on and off and see what difference it makes for both the overall values and shape of the residual. * *Note:* You should see the un-normalized residual becomes more dominated by very low q deviations, but those points are higher noise, and so get flattened out when normalized. |compare_residual_normalize_png| #. Right click on the plot and use the Axes menu to change the scale of the axes. Try changing from a Log-Lin to a Log-Log plot to emphasize the low q. * *Note:* You can change the plot scale in the Ratios plot as well. #. Close the comparison window using the Close button. Comparing profiles with ratios ################################# The ratio of two profiles can be useful when looking for small changes between samples. It's often used for looking for concentration dependent effects, particularly inter-particle interactions which cause a characteristic downturn at low q. The written version of this tutorial follows. #. Clear any data loaded into RAW. Load the **S_Lys05mg.dat**, **S_Lys28mg.dat**, and **S_Lys47mg.dat** profiles into RAW. These are scattering profiles of lysozyme measured at three different concentrations, 5 mg/ml, 28 mg/ml, and 47 mg/ml. * *Note:* The profiles should have significantly different overall intensities, due to the different concentrations. * *Note:* In order to remove some high q noise, profiles have been truncated to q=0.2. #. Select all three profiles, right click and select "Compare Profiles" to open the comparison window. #. Select the "Ratios" tab at the top of the window. * *Note:* The ratios shown are ratios to the reference profile. The choice of reference can be changed as in the Residuals tab. |compare_ratios_tab_png| #. Because of the different intensity levels that the profiles have due to the different concentrations the ratios aren't as useful for examining what's going on at low q. RAW can automatically apply a scale factor to the profiles. In the "Scale" drop-down menu select "Scale, high q", which will scale the profiles to the reference in the high q region of the data. * *Note:* There are a number of scale options available, which can be useful in different situations. The Residuals tab also has the scale option. * *Note:* You can see that there is a significant downturn at low q in both the 28 mg/ml and 47 mg/ml profile, indicating the presence of significant repulsion in the sample. |compare_ratios_scale_png| #. If you want to examine just one of the ratios, you can turn off a profile. Uncheck the **S_Lys47mg.dat** profile to show just the ratio of the 28 mg/ml to 5 mg/ml data. |compare_ratios_show_png| #. Close the comparison window using the Close button. Comparing profiles with statistical tests ############################################ In addition to the visual comparisons of the residual and ratio, above, RAW has the ability to test scattering profiles for statistical similarity. Currently, only one test is available: the Correlation Map test. This can be done manually, and is also done automatically when scattering profiles are averaged. This can be useful when you’re dealing with data that may show changes in scattering from radiation damage or other possible sources. A video version of an older version this tutorial is available: .. raw:: html
The written version of the tutorial follows. #. Clear any data loaded into RAW. Load all of the profiles in the **Tutorial_Data/damage_data** folder into the Profiles plot. Show only the top plot. * *Tip:* In the Files tab, click the “Clear All” button. #. Put the plot on a log-log scale. You should see that the profiles are different at low *q*\ . * *Note:* These data are showing what radiation damage looks like in a data set. They are consecutive profiles from the same sample, and as total exposure of the sample increase (frame number increases), the sample damages. In this case, the damage is manifesting as aggregation, which shows up as an uptick in the profiles at low *q*\ . |similarity_main_png| #. Select all of the profiles and average them. You will get a warning message informing you that not all the files are statistically the same. * *Note:* This is only as good as the statistical test being used, and the cutoff threshold selected. In the advanced options panel you can select the test, whether or not it is corrected for multiple testing, and the threshold used. |similarity_warning_png| #. Click the “Average Only Similar Files” button. * Note: This averages only those profiles found to the same as the first file, for the given statistical test. #. Select all of the profiles except the new averaged one, and right click and select “Compare Profiles”. Select the "Similarity Test" tab at the top of the window. This tab shows the results of the pairwise tests done using the CorMap method. On the top is a heatmap of the probability that the profiles are similar, while on the bottom is a list of the pairwise comparisons an the actual probabilities. |similarity_window_png| #. Expand the Filename columns in the list so you can see the full filenames along with the probabilities. |similarity_window2_png| #. Using the menu at the top, turn off multiple testing correction. Change the "highlight with p-value <" value to 0.15, and highlight those pairs. * *Note:* Multiple testing correction corrects for the fact that you expect more outliers the more pairwise tests you run. Suppose the distribution of the uncertainty of a variable is Gaussian. If you run a single test to compare the results between two measurements of the variable, getting a result that is 2 standard deviations from the mean is a significant difference. However, if you make 100 measurements and compare them all to the first, you expect that 5% of the measurements you make will be outside of 2 standard deviations different, so multiple testing attempts to correct for that factor. |similarity_highlight_png| #. Move you mouse across the heatmap. Note that the profile numbers and probability value is displayed in the plot toolbar below the plot. The "X" refers to the File # of the file being compared on the x axis, the "Y" refers to the File # of the file being compared on the y axis, the "Prob." is the probability (corrected, if multiple testing correction is turned on) that the two are the same, and the "Test val" is the actual value of the comparison test, in this case the CorMap longest edge. * *Note:* Comparing file x against file y is the same as comparing file y against file x, so the heatmap is symmetric across the diagonal. The diagonal values are comparing a profile to itself, and so the probability is always 1 along the diagonal. |similarity_heatmap_png| #. Without multiple testing correction, and using a less stringent threshold for similarity, we see that more profiles are selected here (profiles 6-10) than were excluded from the average using the automatic test. Because we know radiation damage increases with dose, it is reasonable to suspect that we should discard profiles 6-10, not just 8-10 as in the automated version. #. Save the similarity test data in the list as a **.csv** by clicking the “Save” button. #. Close the comparison window by clicking the “Done” button. #. Average profiles 1-5. #. Hide all of the profiles except the two averaged profiles on the plot. * *Question:* Is there a difference between the two? What about if you do a Guinier fit? * *Note:* In this case, the differences are subtle, a ~1-2% increase in |Rg|. So the automated determination did a reasonable job. However, it is generally good to double check your set of profiles both visually and using the Similarity Test panel when the automated test warns you of outlier profiles. .. |compare_residual_right_click_png| image:: images/compare_residual_right_click.png :target: ../_images/compare_residual_right_click.png :width: 300 px .. |compare_residual_main_png| image:: images/compare_residual_main.png :target: ../_images/compare_residual_main.png .. |compare_residual_ref_png| image:: images/compare_residual_ref.png :target: ../_images/compare_residual_ref.png .. |compare_residual_normalize_png| image:: images/compare_residual_normalize.png :target: ../_images/compare_residual_normalize.png :width: 300 px .. |compare_ratios_tab_png| image:: images/compare_ratios_tab.png :target: ../_images/compare_ratios_tab.png .. |compare_ratios_scale_png| image:: images/compare_ratios_scale.png :target: ../_images/compare_ratios_scale.png .. |compare_ratios_show_png| image:: images/compare_ratios_show.png :target: ../_images/compare_ratios_show.png :width: 300 px .. |similarity_main_png| image:: images/similarity_main.png :target: ../_images/similarity_main.png .. |similarity_warning_png| image:: images/similarity_warning.png :width: 500 px :target: ../_images/similarity_warning.png .. |similarity_window_png| image:: images/similarity_window.png :width: 600 px :target: ../_images/similarity_window.png .. |similarity_window2_png| image:: images/similarity_window2.png :target: ../_images/similarity_window2.png .. |similarity_highlight_png| image:: images/similarity_highlight.png :target: ../_images/similarity_highlight.png .. |similarity_heatmap_png| image:: images/similarity_heatmap.png :target: ../_images/similarity_heatmap.png :width: 400 px .. |Rg| replace:: R\ :sub:`g`