Getting Started
This will guide you through several basic tasks using the API, including how to import the API, load settings, and load and save data. Specific file names refer to the RAW Tutorial Data, which you can download. File paths are given from the top level directory of that data.
Importing the API
Once installed, the RAW API is imported just like any other python package. We recommend that you import just the RAWAPI package, as in the following example.
import bioxtasraw.RAWAPI as raw
Loading settings
Many functions in the API use RAW settings to provide certain parameters for the function (e.g. the calibration parameters and mask used to radially average images). So it is a good idea to load a settings file at the start of your program.
my_settings = raw.load_settings('./standards_data/SAXS.cfg')
While settings can be created and saved using the API, we recommend using the RAW GUI to create and save your settings, then importing them into the API.
Loading data
Usually you’ll need to start by loading data into your program. Here we show how to load images, profiles, IFTs, and series.
Loading images as scattering profiles
One of the most common tasks is loading images and radially averaging them into 1D scattering profiles. This is easily accomplished with the API.
##Define a list of image filenames to load.
buffer_images = ['./standards_data/GIbuf2_A9_18_001_0000.tiff',
#Load and radially average images
profiles, imgs = raw.load_and_integrate_images(buffer_images, my_settings)
Loading scattering profiles
Another common task is loading data that is already saved as a 1D scattering profile, usually a .dat file.
#Define a list of profile filenames to load
profile_names = ['./reconstruction_data/glucose_isomerase.dat']
#Load the profiles
profiles = raw.load_profiles(profile_names)
Loading inverse Fourier transforms (IFTs)
You can use the API to load IFT files containing P(r) functions, either GNOM .out files or .ift files from RAW’s BIFT algorithm.
#Define a list of IFT filenames to load
ift_names = ['./reconstruction_data/gi_complete/glucose_isomerase.out',
#Load the IFTs
ifts = raw.load_ifts(ift_names)
Loading series
There are two ways you can load a series. The first is loading a .hdf5 or .sec series file saved by RAW.
#Define a list of series filenames to load
series_names = ['./series_data/phehc_sec.hdf5', './series_data/xylanase.hdf5']
#Load the series
series = raw.load_series(series_names)
Alternatively, you can load in all of the individual profiles in the series, then use the API to convert those set of profiles into a series.
import glob
#Define a list of profile filenames to load
profile_names = sorted(glob.glob('./series_data/sec_sample_2/BSA_001_*.dat'))
#Load the profiles
profiles = raw.load_profiles(profile_names)
#Convert the profiles to a series
series = raw.profiles_to_series(profiles)
Note that the input profiles should be in the order they appear in the series.
Working with profiles
RAW uses a custom defined class called a SASM (SAS measurement) to contain information about scattering profiles, including the q, I, and uncertainty data as well as metadata data about analysis results.
Accessing q, I, and uncertainty data
RAW SASMs contain several different versions of the q, I, and uncertainty data.
Most commonly, you’ll want to access the data using the getQ()
, getI()
and getErr()
profile_names = ['./reconstruction_data/glucose_isomerase.dat']
profiles = raw.load_profiles(profile_names)
gi_profile = profiles[0]
q = gi_profile.getQ()
intensity = gi_profile.getI()
error = gi_profile.getErr()
This contains data that has been truncated, scaled and offset according to the
profile settings. If you want to access the scaled, offset, and un-truncated
data (e.g. without zeros at the beginning skipped for loaded images) you can
access profile.q
, profile.i
and profile.err
attributes. If there is
any truncation, you can get that using profile.getQrange()
. So, for example
q_range = gi_profile.getQrange()
gi_profile.getQ() == gi_profile.q[q_range[0]:q_range[1]]
gi_profile.getI() == gi_profile.i[q_range[0]:q_range[1]]
gi_profile.getErr() == gi_profile.err[q_range[0]:q_range[1]]
are all true.
If you want the raw profile data, without any truncation, scaling, or offset,
you can use the getRawQ()
and getRawErr()
Analyzing the profile
Many of the RAW analysis functions act on a single scattering profile. For example, to automatically find the best range for the Guinier fit and calculate the Rg and I(0), you can do:
guinier_results = raw.auto_guinier(gi_profile)
Accessing profile metadata
The profile saves various bits of metadata to a dictionary. If the profile was created by RAW this includes information on how the profile was created and various metadata parameters from the data collection. It also includes analysis information. To get all of the metadata you can do:
metadata = gi_profile.getAllParameters()
To get a specific category of metadata,
analysis = gi_profile.getParameter('analysis')
guinier_rg = analysis['guinier']['Rg']
Working with IFTs
RAW uses a custom defined class called a IFTM (IFT measurement) to contain information about IFTs, including the P(r) function, the fit of the P(r) function to the data, and metadata about the P(r) function.
Access the P(r) function and fit
All of the P(r) data and fit is accessible as attributes of the class.
ift_names = ['./reconstruction_data/gi_complete/glucose_isomerase.out']
ifts = raw.load_ifts(ift_names)
gi_ift = ifts[0]
#Get the P(r) function itself
p = gi_ift.p #P(r)
r = gi_ift.r
err = gi_ift.err #Uncertainty in P(r)
#Get the original data and the P(r) fit to the original data
q = gi_ift.q_orig
i = gi_ift.i_orig
err = gi_ift.err_orig
fit = gi_ift.i_fit
#Get the fit extrapolated to q=0.
q_extrap = gi_ift.q_extrap
fit_extrap = gi_ift.i_extrap
Analyzing the IFT
There are several functions that take the IFTM as input for analysis, including ambimeter and the various 3D reconstruction methods. Note that analysis methods from the ATSAS package require a GNOM IFT, whereas those natively implemented in RAW (DENSS) work on either GNOM or BIFT IFTs.
score, categories, evaluation = raw.ambimeter(gi_ift)
Accessing IFT metadata
IFT metadata can be accessed in the same way as for profiles:
metadata = gi_ift.getAllParameters()
dmax = gi_ift.getParameter('dmax')
Working with series
RAW uses a custom defined class called a SECM (SEC measurement, a slightly outdated name) to contain information about series, including the individual scattering profiles, total and mean intensity as a function of frame number, and calculated parameters such as Rg as a function of frame number.
Accessing the series data
In order to visualize the series data it is common to plot total or mean intensity as a function of frame number. You can get that data as:
series_names = ['./series_data/baseline.hdf5']
series = raw.load_series(series_names)
my_series = series[0]
frames = my_series.getFrames()
total_i = my_series.getIntI()
mean_i = my_series.getMeanI()
The calculated parameter data is similarly accessed:
rg = my_series.getRg()
i0 = my_series.getI0()
mw_vc = my_series.getVcMW()[0]
mw_vp = my_series.getVpMW()[0]
The intensity for subtracted of baseline corrected data is accessed by specifying the data type
subtracted_total_i = my_series.getIntI('sub')
subtracted_mean_i = my_series.getMeanI('sub')
Note that for data with baseline corrected profiles you would use ‘baseline’
If you want to access the underlying profiles, it is done similarly.
#Gets all profiles in the series
profiles = my_series.getAllSASMs()
sub_profiles = my_series.getAllSASMs('sub')
#Gets a single profile in the series, zero indexed
profile_5 = my_series.getSASM(5)
sub_profile_5 = my_series.getSASM(5, 'sub')
#Get profiles from the series in a given range, zero indexed
profiles_roi = my_series.getSASMList(10, 20)
sub_profiles_roi = my_series.getSASMList(10, 20, 'sub')
Analyzing the series
Any analysis you can do on series in the GUI can be done with the API. For example, to automatically find a good buffer region:
success, region_start, region_end = raw.find_buffer_range(my_series)
Accessing series metadata
Series in RAW have a lot of associated metadata, such as the buffer range used for subtraction, the start and end of the baseline correction ranges, or the sample range. Most of these are accessible as attributes of the SECM.
buffer_range = my_series.buffer_range
sample_range = my_series.sample_range
Saving data
After you process your data you will want to save it. Here we show how to save profiles, IFTs, and series.
Saving scattering profiles
Suppose you have the scattering profile my_profile
. You would save the
profile as:
raw.save_profile(my_profile, 'my_profile.dat', './my_profile_dir')
Saving inverse Fourier transforms (IFTs)
Suppose you have the IFT my_ift
. You would save the IFT as:
raw.save_ift(my_ift, 'my_ift.out', './my_ift_dir')
Note that you use the .out
extension for GNOM IFTs, and the .ift
extension for BIFT IFTs.
Saving series
Suppose you have the series my_series
. You would save the series as:
raw.save_series(my_series, 'my_series.hdf5', './my_series_dir')