General instructions for installing from source (advanced users) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _wingen: #. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for Python 2.7 #. Install Python 2.7 (if it isn’t already installed) and add it to your system path. #. Install a C compiler (such as the gcc c++ compiler) and add it to your system path. #. Install the following Python packages (version indicated if less than most recent): * numpy * matplotlib * scipy * pillow * wxpython < 4.0 * fabio * lxml * h5py * hdf5plugin * pyFAI * weave #. Download the RAW source file (:file:`RAW-{x}.{y}.{z}-Source` where :file:`{x}.{y}.{z}` is the version number) from sourceforge ( ` `_) #. Extract RAW to a directory of your choice and run :file:`` using python. * Note: the first time you run :file:`` it may need to be run from the command line in order to successfully compile various extensions. It may take some time to compile the extensions, be patient. * After you run RAW for the first time, you can run it by double clicking the :file:`` file, assuming :file:`.py` files are associated with your python executable. #. Enjoy! * If you have problems, please consult the detailed installation guides and the :ref:`solutions to common problems ` below. If that doesn’t help, please contact the developers.