Common problems/troubleshooting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _wintrb: **Prebuilt installer:** * Because the RAW team is an ‘unknown’ developer, you will probably see some security warnings when you install RAW. When you do, just give the installer and program permission to run on your computer. * RAW is used by (relatively) few people, which means many antivirus programs have not seen the RAW software before. Occasionally virus scanners will mark a file (typically :file:`RAW.exe`) as a threat (it will usually be in the ‘general malware’ category). If this happens, please do the following: * Upload the file to ` `_ and see if any other antivirus programs identify it as a problem (it is always possible someone hijacked the installer somehow!). * If most or all of the antivirus programs on clear the file, make an exception for it in your virus scanner. * Contact the RAW developers, so we can report the false identification to the virus scanner company and get the file whitelisted in future definitions files. **From source:** * The compiler can fail if there are any spaces in the directory paths. Make sure raw, the compiler (MinGW), and python are all installed in directory paths without spaces in the names. * The compiler can fail if it tries to compile the modules when some of them are already compiled. If the compilation is failing, try deleting all :file:`.pyd` files in the raw directory. * The compiler can fail if you try to compile when you’re not using the command line. This most commonly happens if someone tries to run :file:`` for the first time by double clicking on it, rather than using the ``python`` command in the command prompt window. * If the extensions won’t compile properly (you’ll get a popup message when you start RAW warning you of this), you can try copying the precompiled extensions (:file:`.pyd` files) from the appropriate :file:`WinLib` folder into the main raw folder. * If you are updating your RAW installation, you should completely delete the old RAW source files, and then replace them with the new ones. * You may have trouble with various pieces of the installation if your path variable isn’t set right. The windows PATH variable cannot have spaces. That is, your path should look like: ``item1;item2;item3`` not: ``item1; item2; item3``. For Windows 10, where you enter separate entries in your path variable (which Windows automatically concatenates), make sure that you don’t have leading or training spaces in any of the items. * On some systems, we’ve found it necessary to install the packages from pip in multiple steps. If a ``pip install`` fails, trying running it on each package separately. For example, if ``pip install matplotlib pillow fabio`` fails, try running: * ``pip install matplotlib`` * ``pip install pillow`` * ``pip install fabio`` * In recent numpy builds (I think it's numpy, might be scipy) I've found that the compiler needs msvcr90d.dll This is the debug dll, which means someone built it wrong, that is, in a debug environment. The only solution to this is to use the numpy and scipy packages from instead of the pip archive. * The latest version of the gcc compiler that seems to work is 5.3. The 6.3 compiler from MinGW fails. Downgrade with the following commands from a command prompt: ``mingw-get upgrade "gcc<6"`` and ``mingw-get upgrade "g++<6"``.