OS X and macOS install from source instructions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _macsource: #. Install Miniconda python distribution * Download the free miniconda python 2.7 installer from: `https://conda.io/miniconda.html `_ * Make sure you get the python 2.7 version! * Open a Terminal window by starting the Terminal app. * Using the Launcher, it is located in the Other section. |10000201000006900000041A52DBF3453A0EEDE9_png| |10000201000007800000043899D84AD76212B4C9_png| * Browsing the Applications folder in Finder, Terminal is in the Utilities folder. * In the terminal window type ``cd ~\Downloads`` and hit enter. * In the terminal window type ``bash Miniconda2-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh`` and hit enter. * Agree to all of the prompts. * More detailed install instructions are available here: `https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/install/macos.html `_ * Close the terminal window. #. Install numpy scipy matplotlib pillow wxpython numba h5py lxml cython numexpr using conda. * Open a new terminal window as in the previous step * Type ``conda upgrade conda pip wheel setuptools`` and hit enter. Agree to all the prompts. * Type ``conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pillow wxpython numba h5py lxml cython numexpr`` and hit enter. Agree to all the prompts. #. Install the hdf5plugin, silx, fabio, and pyFAI packages using pip * In the terminal window type ``pip install hdf5plugin silx fabio pyfai`` * Hit enter * Once the installation finishes, close the terminal window. #. Download RAW from sourceforge * `http://sourceforge.net/projects/bioxtasraw `_ * Navigate to the :guilabel:`Files` tab and download the latest source code, :file:`RAW-{x}.{y}.{z}-Source.zip`. Or download the latest development version from the git by navigating to the :guilabel:`Code` tab. #. Expand the downloaded zip file in the Downloads folder by double clicking on it. * This step may not be necessary, some browsers may automatically expand zip files. #. In the terminal or in the graphical file manager, confirm that the file named :file:`setup.py` is in your expanded raw directory. If it isn’t, it’s likely that when you expanded the RAW download, you ended up with unnecessary layers of directories. Find the directory with :file:`setup.py` in it, and make that the top level folder. #. Move the RAW files to Applications folder * Move the folder that contains all of the RAW files to the :file:`Applications` folder. As above, this would be the folder with :file:`setup.py` in it. * Rename the folder that you just moved to :file:`raw`. #. In a terminal, change directory into the top level RAW folder * If you used the suggested path of :file:`Applications/raw` type: ``cd /Applications/raw`` #. Build the extensions. * ``python setup.py build_ext --inplace`` #. Navigate to the :file:`bioxtasraw` subfolder * From the top level RAW folder it should be ``cd ./bioxtasraw`` #. Run RAW * ``pythonw RAW.py`` #. Enjoy! * In the future, you can start RAW as in the previous step. * If RAW doesn’t work, check out the :ref:`solutions to common problems ` .. |10000201000007800000043899D84AD76212B4C9_png| image:: images/mac_install/10000201000007800000043899D84AD76212B4C9.png .. |10000201000006900000041A52DBF3453A0EEDE9_png| image:: images/mac_install/10000201000006900000041A52DBF3453A0EEDE9.png