Guinier analysis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _s1p2: This tutorial covers how to use RAW for Guinier analysis. This is not a tutorial on basic principles and best practices for doing a Guinier analysis. For that, please see the :ref:`SAXS tutorial `. A video version of this tutorial is available: .. raw:: html
The written version of the tutorial follows. #. In RAW, right click (ctrl click on macs without a right mouse button) on the subtracted GI scattering profile in the Profiles list and select "Guinier fit". The Guinier fit window will open. * *Note:* You can also click the 'Guinier' button at the bottom of the Profiles control panel. |guinier_open_png| #. In the Guinier window, the top plot shows you the Guinier plot and the fit, while the bottom plot shows you the residual of the fit. * *Note:* RAW automatically tries to find the best Guinier region for you when the Guinier window is opened for the first time. * *Note:* The |Rg| value is in units of 1/q (e.g. if q is in Å\ :sup:`-1` then |Rg| is in Å), while the two :math:`qR_g` boxes give, left to right, :math:`q_{min}R_g` and :math:`q_{max}R_g` respectively. |guinier_gi_png| #. In the "Control" panel, you’ll see that n_min is 0. This means RAW has used all of the low q for the Guinier fit. You can see a little dip in the residual at the lowest q values, use the arrow buttons next to the n_min box to adjust it up several points to remove that dip and check whether the |Rg| changes. Once you're done return n_min to 0. #. In the "Parameters" panel, note that :math:`q_{max}R_g` is only ~1.14. Recall that for globular proteins like GI, it is typical to have :math:`q_{max}R_g` ~1.3. Adjust n_max until that is the case, watching what happens to the |Rg| and the residual. * *Question:* The literature radius of gyration for GI is 32.7 Å. How does yours compare? #. RAW also provides an estimate of the uncertainty in both the |Rg| and I(0) values for the Guinier fit, shown in the Uncertainty section. * *Note:* This is the largest of the uncertainties from the fit (standard deviation of fit values calculated from the covariance matrix), and either the standard deviation of |Rg| and I(0) across all acceptable intervals found by the autorg function or an estimated uncertainty in |Rg| and I(0) based on variation of the selected interval start and end points. #. Click the "OK" button to keep the results. * *Note:* Clicking the "Cancel" button will discard the results. #. If you now select the GI scattering profile, in the information panel above the control panel you should see the |Rg| and I(0) that you just found. |info_panel_png| * *Tip:* Click on the triangle to expand the Guinier info section and see more details on the fit. |info_expand_png| #. Repeat the Guinier analysis for lysozyme. * *Try:* Increase q\ :sub:`min` and/or decrease q\ :sub:`max` to verify that the |Rg| does not change significantly in the Guinier region. * *Tip:* If you hover your mouse cursor over the info icon (just left of the target icon) for a given scattering profile it should show you the |Rg| and I(0) of your Guinier analysis. |lys_guinier_png| .. |guinier_open_png| image:: images/guinier_open.png :width: 400 px :target: ../_images/guinier_open.png .. |guinier_gi_png| image:: images/guinier_gi.png :target: ../_images/guinier_gi.png .. |info_panel_png| image:: images/info_panel.png :width: 400 px :target: ../_images/info_panel.png .. |info_expand_png| image:: images/info_expand.png :width: 400 px :target: ../_images/info_expand.png .. |lys_guinier_png| image:: images/guinier_lys.png :target: ../_images/guinier_lys.png .. |Rg| replace:: R\ :sub:`g`