General instructions for installing from source (advanced users) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _lnxgen: #. Install python 3.X (if it isn’t already installed), RAW is tested on 3.7 and 3.8. #. Install python3 development tools and gcc (if they are not already installed). #. Install the following python packages (version indicated if less than most recent): * numpy * scipy * matplotlib * pillow * wxpython * h5py * cython * fabio * pyFAI * hdf5plugin * numba * dbus-python * reportlab #. Download RAW source code from sourceforge ( ` `_) #. Extract RAW to a directory of your choice. #. In the top level RAW directory run ``python build_ext --inplace`` to build the extensions. #. In the :file:`bioxtasraw` subdirectory run :file:`` using python. #. Enjoy! * If you have problems, please consult the detailed installation guides and check out the :ref:`solutions to common problems `. * If you want, see the section on :ref:`making a desktop shortcut for RAW `. Notes for python 2 installation ********************************* As of version 2.0.0, RAW is Python 3 compatible. The last guaranteed Python 2 compatible version of RAW is 2.0.0. However, it may still be possible to install RAW for Python 2. A few additional notes for that: #. Additional dependencies: * future #. Required version of pyFAI is 0.17