Linux install from source instructions

  1. Open a new terminal window (in many distros you can right click on the desktop and select New Terminal or Open in terminal).
  2. Download Miniconda Python (Python 3.x, e.g. 3.8) distribution and install.
    • Make sure you chose the python 3.x installer.
    • Save to the downloads folder
    • Open a terminal and run the following commands:
      • cd ~/Downloads
      • bash ./ (where -version which will depend on the version you download)
    • Accept the default installation location.
    • At the end, say “yes” to have the conda python install put in your system path.
    • Close the terminal window.
  3. Install python packages. Open a new terminal window and run the following commands (in many distros you can right click on the desktop and select New Terminal or Open in terminal).
    • conda upgrade conda pip wheel setuptools
    • conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pillow numba h5py cython numexpr reportlab
    • conda install -c conda-forge wxpython dbus-python fabio pyfai hdf5plugin mmcif_pdbx
  4. Download RAW source code from sourceforge
  5. Expand the RAW download to your location of choice.
    • We suggest ~/raw
    • Make sure there are no spaces in the file path (you can check by navigating to the raw directory in a terminal window and using pwd).
    • In the terminal or in the graphical file manager, confirm that the file named is in your raw directory. If it isn’t, it’s likely that when you expanded the RAW download, you ended up with unnecessary layers of directories. Find the directory with in it, and make that the top level folder.
  6. In a terminal, change directory into the top level RAW folder
    • If you used the suggested path of ~/raw type: cd ~/raw
  7. Build the extensions.
    • python build_ext --inplace
  8. Navigate to the bioxtasraw subfolder
    • From the top level RAW folder it should be cd ./bioxtasraw
  9. Run RAW
    • python
  10. RAW is now installed. Enjoy!