Common problems/troubleshooting

  • Sometimes, compilers can have trouble if there are spaces in the filepath. Try installing RAW so that there are no spaces in the file path (navigate the folder in the terminal, type pwd and see what the result is).

  • If you have installed a standalone python distribution (such miniconda/anaconda), it is possible that it isn’t set to default, so when you run python, you are using the wrong python.

    • You can verify which python you are using the command which python in the terminal.

    • You can set the correct python to default by modifying your appropriate profile file (such as the .bash_profile), or setting the $PATH environmental variable.

    • You can also specify the full path to the version of python you want to use in the command, such as ~/miniconda3/bin/python

  • Note that when you change environmental variables in one terminal window, you need to restart other windows for this to take effect. If you aren’t using the right python (or compiler, etc), trying closing all of your terminal windows and opening a new one.

  • If you fail to build the extensions before running RAW, RAW will crash at some point. Be sure to run the python build_ext --inplace before starting RAW.

  • Using the RAW autorg function requires a relatively recent version of numba. If you get an error running this function update your numba version to the most recent.