Creating a subtracted scattering profileΒΆ

This example shows how to create a subtracted scattering profile from batch mode SAXS data. While this particular example uses images as the starting point, the same process is easily applied to .dat file as well.

import glob
import os
import bioxtasraw.RAWAPI as raw

#Load settings
settings = raw.load_settings('./standards_data/SAXS.cfg')

#Load buffer and sample profiles
buffer_files = sorted(glob.glob('./standards_data/GIbuf2_A9_18_001_*.tiff'))
buffers, imgs = raw.load_and_integrate_images(buffer_files, settings)

sample_files = sorted(glob.glob('./standards_data/GI2_A9_19_001_*.tiff'))
samples, imgs = raw.load_and_integrate_images(sample_files, settings)

#Test for similarity between buffer and sample profiles
buf_pvals, buf_corrected_pvals, buf_failed_comps = raw.cormap(buffers[1:],
sam_pvals, sam_corrected_pvals, sam_failed_comps = raw.cormap(samples[1:],

#Average buffer and sample profiles
buf_avg = raw.average(buffers)
sam_avg = raw.average(samples)

#Subtract buffer and sample profiles
gi_prof = raw.subtract([sam_avg], buf_avg)[0]

#Save the averaged and subtracted profiles
if not os.path.exists('./api_results/gi_denss'):

raw.save_profile(buf_avg, datadir='./api_results')
raw.save_profile(sam_avg, datadir='./api_results')
raw.save_profile(gi_prof, datadir='./api_results')